Make your own terrarium

Terrariums are so hot right now and for a good reason, they are cute and easy to maintain!

To complete this project you will need:

  • A glass container – I love fish bowls and apothecary jars! You can usually find these in op shops for next to nothing.
  • Any colour rocks you wish
  • Soil
  • Moss
  • Whatever plants you wish – some good choices for open containers are succulents and ferns.
  • Charcoal (closed container only)

Put some small rocks at the bottom.  These drain the water from the soil.

If you are working in a closed container, you want to put a layer of charcoal next.  This prevents mold from forming in the closed vessel.  If you are working in an open container, this is not necessary.

Next put a layer of moss.

Put a couple of centimetres of soil next, then stick in the plants as you like.  You can cover the soil with moss, pebbles or other embellishments as desired. You may even choose to make your terrarium look like a little fairy garden!

Spritz with water once a week or so, and place in indirect sunlight.  Too much direct sun will burn your plant!

DIY Headboard Project

If you are like me you purchased an ensemble mattress set with a plan of making your own headboard at some point, but also like me you haven’t got around to it yet, then here is an excellent but simple idea!

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There are two versions of this bedhead, the unframed (on the left) and framed (on the right) and it really depends on what kind of look you are going for in your bedroom. The look also can be changed depending on your choice of wood and if you choose to paint, varnish it or leave it in a more natural look. I personally like the dark walnut look that is used on the framed piece but it purely up to you!

You will need to first measure out the width of your bed plus any addition width you would like and then the height. I advise you make the height at least twice the height of the pillows you use. Once you have these measurements head down to your local hardware store and collect the wood you would like to use. Work out how many pieces you will need to completely cover the support frame.Also remember to get pieces to make a support frame for the headboard, this means four pieces that you will make into a rectangle to nail your wood to. Plus an extra four pieces if you wish to make a frame. You could choose a decorative piece if you wish or go for the same wood you are using for the front. If you take your measurements with you the sales person can arrange for the pieces to be cut to length for you if you do not have a drop saw or equivalent.

Next you will also need to collect some nails that are slightly longer than the thickness of your wood so that they can be nailed into the support frame. Also collect any varnish or paint you wish to use and some sandpaper. I reckon a medium coarse sandpaper.

So in total you will need:

  • Measuring tape
  • Wood for front of the headboard
  • 4 pieces of wood for the support frame
  • 4 pieces of wood for the frame (optional)
  • Nails
  • Sandpaper (and a sander if you have one otherwise hand sanding is fine)
  • Varnish or paint
  • A hammer

If you choose not to get your wood cut at your hardware store you will need to start by cutting them to length using your measurements from earlier. If you have already done this, make a rectangle using the four pieces you purchased for the frame making sure there will be none of the wood from the support frame showing from the front. Although some over hang from the wood at the front is fine and depends on the look you are going for. Then nail these pieces together.

When this is done if you are choosing to frame your headboard this is the time to do it so you have easy access to both side of the support board. Nail these in and then lay down the pieces you would like for the front of your headboard leaving no gaps. Nail these down and your headboard is done if you are going for the natural look.

If not, use your paint or varnish to create the desired effect! Wait for it to dry and do anymore coats you wish to do. Then take it into your bedroom and place it firm up against the wall with the bed in front. You may choose to anchor it to the wall depending on your circumstances.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you happen to recreate these pieces please send me a photo to or comment below!

DIY Hens Party Decorations

So my sister is getting married in March and having a Hens Party in February so I have been thinking about some ideas for DIY decorations, because let’s face it, you put wedding on anything and it costs a million dollars.


This is a really cute idea for a high tea. Simply collect a bunch of tea cups from your local charity store (these are usually 50c each) and hang! You will also need to collect some string and some hooks to hang it from. 

You could hang it from the roof, a tree or anywhere your heart desires!


It’s a hens party so there is definitely going to be champagne! You will need:

  • Your favourite champagne
  • Glitter in your choice of colours
  • Glue
  • A paint brush
  • A container to put the glitter in

Simply cover the champagne bottle in glue using your paint brush, then roll the bottle in the container of glitter making sure it is evenly coated. Done!

You could also do this to glasses, balloons, whatever! But be warned it will stick to your hands and everything else!


This is a super dooper cute balloon idea which can be painted in any colour you want! You need:

  • Balloons filled with Helium
  • String tied around the end of the balloon
  • A paint brush
  • Paint in your choice of colour

Get balloons filled with helium and a string tied to the end. Simply use your paint brush to create an effect at the bottom of the balloon with your choice of paint colour. Allow to dry and hang wherever you want!


Finally, create your own garland! You will need:

  • a range of crepe paper in your choice of colours
  • scissors
  • String
  • Sticky tape
  • Hooks for hanging (optional)

Keeping your crepe paper folded in a rectangle shape cut to the top leaving about 2cm at the top then separate the sheets so you have a few pieces. Once you have separated the pieces twist the middle section that you have not cut to make a loop at the top secure with sticky tape and tread the string through the loop. Repeat this process with all other sections and colours. Then hang using hooks or wherever you want!

If you have any questions about any of the projects in this post please comment below and I will do my best to answer them! Thank you for reading!

Easy DIY Projects

As a lot of people know, I love a good DIY project and often a lot of people are amazed when I tell them how simple something I have done is. So I decided to write this post and include a few awesome ideas! These are ideas that anyone can create no matter how crafty or not you are.


I love this idea, you can create it with some sticks found in your backyard, local park or wherever you go pretty much!

  • Sticks
  • Paint in your choice of colour
  • Paint brush

To create the effect on the end you can pretty much do any design you want and picking up some cheap acrylic paints from a store like Kmart for next to nothing. For styling, pop them in a vase and place them anywhere in the house!


This pine cone garland is extremely simple to make. You will need:

  • Pine cones
  • String
  • Picture hanging hooks (the actual hook type ones)
  • Pliers
  • Glitter spray paint or glitter and glue depending on what you can find at your local stores.

First start by twisting the picture hanging hook into the top of the pine cone then using a pair of pliers to close the hook and make a circle. After you have done this to your desired amount of pine cones thread the string through all of the circles, again using the pliers to make the circle small enough so the string cannot move. Finally, use your paint or glitter to create desired effect!


Here is an idea for all of the soda drinkers out there. You will need:

  • Empty Soda Containers
  • White Spray Paint for background
  • A pink and a black sharpie- these can be bought a Big W very cheaply!
  • A pair of scissors
  • A plant of your choosing
  • Soil

First start by sketching out an outline for the shape of pot you would like to make then cutting the shape out. I also suggest if you would like your plant to last a little longer using your scissors to punch a few small holes in the bottom for drainage.Next use the spray paint to completely cover the surface and wait for this to dry. It is possible it may require two coats. After paint has completely dried use pink sharpie to create triangles on ears and a circle for the nose. Then use black sharpie to draw on cute little eyes, whiskers and a mouth. Finally, insert your soil and plant. Done!

If you have any projects you would like to know more about or you would like me to create please let me know in the comments section. If you choose to create any of these projects also feel free to send me some pics!

Art is Personal

As I continue to make more and more art, the more I realize how personal art is and that my art may not be for everyone. This is perfectly fine mind you, it is just strange that when you are making a unique type of art everyone wants to you make art that looks much like what everyone else is doing. Whilst I recognize that trends happen, and following trends may be a good idea if you would like to make money, I just cannot bring myself to do it. It makes it boring. I am not a printer who just recreates pieces over and over again.

For me my art is a way of escaping everyday life, expressing things that I see going on day to day and if I make some money along the way all the better! I cannot simply be satisfied by basically making copies on things like games, tv shows etc. To me that is not art, (if I wanted a picture of a character out of a game I would go buy a poster not a piece of art). I also do not like portraits, whilst I can understand and appreciate the workmanship that goes into creating these pieces, there is such a thing as a photograph.

When I see art I want to see something I have not seen before, I want it to enlighten me, I want that aesthetic process. Not following these trends and recreating pieces that have already been done a million times before might make my art following a lot smaller, but I am fine with that. I want my art to be loved by those who actually value the art of it, who feel what I feel when I look at it and understand it.

Art isn’t only a painting. Art is anything that’s creative, passionate, and personal. And great art resonates with the viewer, not only with the creator.

What makes someone an artist? I don’t think is has anything to do with a paintbrush. There are painters who follow the numbers, or paint billboards, or work in a small village in China, painting reproductions. These folks, while swell people, aren’t artists. On the other hand, Charlie Chaplin was an artist, beyond a doubt. So is Jonathan Ive, who designed the iPod. You can be an artists who works with oil paints or marble, sure. But there are artists who work with numbers, business models, and customer conversations. Art is about intent and communication, not substances.

An artists is someone who uses bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo. And an artists takes it personally.

That’s why Bob Dylan is an artist, but an anonymous corporate hack who dreams up Pop 40 hits on the other side of the glass is merely a marketer. That’s why Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos, is an artists, while a boiler room of telemarketers is simply a scam.

Tom Peters, corporate gadfly and writer, is an artists, even though his readers are businesspeople. He’s an artists because he takes a stand, he takes the work personally, and he doesn’t care if someone disagrees. His art is part of him, and he feels compelled to share it with you because it’s important, not because he expects you to pay him for it.

Art is a personal gift that changes the recipient. The medium doesn’t matter. The intent does.

Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates change in another.

What Do You Consider To Be Art?

I was recently browsing some websites that have brilliant art on them (including mine) and came across a photo of four knitted jumpers piled on top of each other. Whilst I absolutely love clothes, especially knitted jumpers in cute colours, it got me thinking, what do I consider to be art? Because if this is art then I have a whole wardrobe of art, and why draw the line there? My whole house is art.

Whilst there is no real definition of art, art means different things to different people. So I would like to open up the discussion to any of my readers – what do you consider to be art?

Is art confined to the realm of non-functional decorative creations such as paintings and sculptures, or can it be anything made by hand with skill be considered art? Can a pile of clothes be considered art?

Kanye West Yeezus Australian Tour

I have loved Mr West’s music for 10 years.image

From ‘College Dropout’ to today’s ‘Yeezus‘ – I own every album and mixtape he’s released. I’ve relished in his changing sound over the years and his political statements regarding race, class and wealth in America. I felt the pain of ‘808s and Heartbreak’ in it’s truest sense when he was at a low point in his life after the loss of his mother and breakdown of a relationship – I too was recovering from a painful breakup. I’ve marveled at his ability to sample some of the most iconic verses and voices in music’s history by layering them over sick, modern sounds taken from a range of musical genres.

I like Kanye‘s music because it resonates with me – whether sad, happy or humorous – as he confessed ‘every single line…was written from my gut, my soul. I was too scared to lie’  

It was also extremely exciting to have been in the stadium when he made his statement about what apparently happened at the Sydney show. Which I have since played back the recording from, and can confirm he definitely did NOT tell someone in a wheelchair they had to stand up. It was simply the media being the usual negative nancies, trying to make someone into a bad person.

The stage was set up with two large LCD screens shaped in a ‘v’ where images would be mirrored across the two – set back behind a pointed runway.

Light was a huge feature in this show, there was a lot of colourful strobing predominantly red so capturing photos and film was particularly difficult – I’m sure that was strategic on Kanye’s part. There were isolated light beams coming down from the roof which pierced the mostly dark stage – Kanye used this to highlight his presence dancing around and through the light.

He worked the space very well – by moving from the end of the runway to either sides of the LCD screens often quite quickly. This was great for the fans vantage point in the audience.

imageI was seated off to the right hand side and I thought I had a great view – until that is I saw photos and film  taken from where wife Kim Kardashian was positioned, dead down the centre where the two screens met. People on the centre floor or seated down the back front on would have really enjoyed the view of both screens together.

This wouldn’t be a truly authentic Kanye West show without featuring some avant garde fashion.

For sections of the show he wore bejeweled, full-face Martin Margiela masks. As‘Rolling Stone’ attested while on one level they suggest a supreme “look not upon the face of Yeezus, mere mortals” arrogance (which is so off the rails it’s kind of awesome), the masks also have real theatrical usefulness. Given that most of the audience is way too far away to see his face, they provide a vivid, readable visual.

came to the show highly anticipating hearing the politically layered ‘Blood On The Leaves’ performed live (if you’re not familiar with this song I recommend you check out this article ). I was not disappointed. The build up and climactic dropping of the beat laced with bass, huge horn, auto-tune and Ye’s encouragement to mosh  – blew my freaking mind! The hair on my skin stood up as I could feel the bass vibrate in my bones. The audience diligently followed and leapt clean into the air in masses on each beat drop.

The crowd screamed with excitement as Kanye struck the first note on the keys to play ‘Runaway,’ he repeated it as the fans roared louder.

The transition between songs was seamless and like a true artist he vibed off the audience’s reception, knowledge of song lyrics and level of engagement. He seemed genuinely surprised at the audience’s recital of his tracks line by line – pausing frequently to hearing the crowd sing.image

The set list in Brisbane was as follows and spanned just over 1.5hrs:

  1. ‘Black Skinhead’
  2. ‘I Don’t Like’
  3. ‘Mercy’
  4. ‘Cold’
  5. ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing’
  6. ‘New Slaves’
  7. ‘Power’
  8. ‘Stronger’
  9. ‘Heartless’
  10. ‘Runaway’
  11. ‘Run This Town’
  12. ‘Clique’
  13. ‘Diamonds From Sierra Leone’
  14. ‘Jesus Walks’
  15. ‘All Falls Down’
  16. ‘Touch The Sky’
  17. ‘All Of The Lights’
  18. ‘Good Life’
  19. ‘Gold Digger’
  20. ‘Bound 2′
  21. ‘Blood On The Leaves’
  22. ‘N*gga’s In Paris’

The ‘Yeezus Tour’ was visually and audibly enthralling and very much deserved the critical acclaim it has received globally.

I’ll leave you with this thought – when Prince first rocketed to fame in the 1980’s people similarly hated his self-confidence labelling him as arrogant and unworthy – in 2014, is Prince’s musical genius and ability ever bought into question?

I have a feeling that this anti-West movement isn’t anything but history repeating itself. I consciously choose to be on the pro-West train and ‘you can’t tell me nothing.”.